Monday 9 October 2017

How to Get A High Risk Merchant Account for Tech Support Business

How Technical Support Services Work

When I started my research of this business, I communicated a number of people who I thought might have some practice in managing with such merchants and what I heard from them didn’t precisely come as a surprise to me. Most of my contemporaries warned me that such businesses were very difficult to work with — that their company practices were doubtful, that they could infrequently produce all of the required paperwork, which they were slow to follow up on information requests that their chargeback ratios were sky-high, that customer objection levels were off the chart and so on. “Where have I heard that before?”, I wondered. And my initial practice rapidly confirmed the authenticity of these warnings. However, I had the good fortune to quickly stumble upon a merchant which turned out to be hard, trustworthy and following a set of best practices, which ensured low levels of customer complaints and chargebacks. Equally as important, it also had grown to a reputable processing volume — about $500,000 a month and growing.

Finding the best payment processing solutions can be difficult for tech support merchants operating internationally.

Whether you offer remote tech support assistance or in-office computer services, Merchant stronghold provides customizable Merchant Accounts. For tech support With Merchant stronghold, you will be connected to a vast network of domestic, offshore and international acquiring banks that can approve you regardless of your geographical location.

Tech Support Merchant Account Fees

Our tech support merchant account fees are competitive and affordable, and our application process is free. Once our underwriting department matches you with one of our acquiring banking partners, the bank will then process your application and determine your merchant account fees.
Since banks determine fees on a case-by-case basis, we cannot provide you with exact fees until the underwriting process is complete. However, you can contact us for your free quote.

How to Get and — More Importantly — Keep a Merchant Account

This particular merchant is based in the U.S. and, by the time it contacted us, it had gone through several merchant accounts with some of the biggest U.S. processors, a couple of which were still active. Now, this is an error which you should not repeat — don’t open up many merchant accounts at once, unless you actually need and use them all. Otherwise, processors get nervous and understandably so — what is to say that the new Merchant Account you are applying for would not just lie dormant or be replaced in the near future? In the event, we asked our merchant to explain why it had gone through all these merchant accounts and received a satisfactory explanation. I should also add that the merchant had already received notices that its remaining two accounts would be closed within a month, which brings me to the next lesson — if you operate an online tech support business, the mainstream processors would not be a viable option — even if you do manage to get an account with them set-up and functioning, it is inevitable that it will be closed just as soon as their risk department takes a close look at it. What you need is a high-risk solution, although not necessarily an offshore one.

Merchant Stronghold’s Technical Support Checklists’

Merchant represents and warrants each of the following by checking it and signing below:
Merchant is engaged in the business of offering technical support services and has obtained, and througout the term of the agreement will maintain, all local, state, and federal licenses, registrations, and approvals required to conduct such business. All technical support services for which Merchant services charges any customer will be provided only by the Merchant, and will not be referred, re-directed, or outsourced to any third party.

Merchant understands, currently fully complies with, and during the term of the agreement, will fully comply with all relevant provisions of all of the following as amended from time to time: section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. §45;

The Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act. 15 U.S.C § 601, et seq(“TCFAPA”) and all regulations implementing the TCFAPA including without limitation the Telemarketing Sales Rule, 16 C.F.R. §310.1, et seq.,

Merchant will immediately notify MSH and Bank in writing of any inquiry, investigation, complaint, charge, subpoena, claim, request for information, judgment, injunction order, cease and desist order, any similar judicial, quasi-judicial, administrative, or executive order, or any license or permit revocation or cancellation by any local, state or federal law enforcement or regulatory agency, entity, or official in connection with or relating to Merchant’s business including without limitation any complaints, charges or claims against Merchant by any customers of Merchant or by any local, state or federal official.

In addition to the indemnity obligations set forth in the Agreement, Merchant will also indemnify and MSH and Bank, harmless from and against any and all losses, costs, liabilities, damages and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and collection costs) resulting from or incurred in connection with any inquiry, investigation, complaint, charge, subopena, claim, or request for information of or against Merchant, or against or involving MSH or Bank in Connection with Merchant,

By any local, state or federal law enforcement or regulatory agency in connection with or relating to Merchant’s business including without limitation any complaints, charges or claims by any customers of Merchant or by any customers of Merchant or by any local, state or federal official. Merchant understands that MSH or Bank may terminate the agreement effective immediately in the event of any breach of this addendum or as otherwise set forth in the Agreement.

Saturday 7 October 2017


Are you running a travel agency and you don’t have a merchant account? You are losing a large portion of your customer base who probably don’t purchase your package because of payment method.

Are you looking to expand your travel agency by integrating an online payment gateway? Look no further because Merchant Stronghold offers merchant accounts that accept multiple cards. We give business peace of mind by providing high security, quality support, at affordable rates. Any issues regarding payment method will be handled professionally. Your customers will be able to make transactions and purchases just by sitting at home. A secure platform with latest technology will be integrated in your website much faster than you would expect.

Rates and easy installation

Our rates are different than other companies, we believe in clear and transparent policies so that merchants can do business while we handle their online merchant account issues. Our system is unique, we review many things before deciding how much to charge. Our professional team sits down and review customized plans for travel businesses.

Agencies who have a travel business are, always at risk because credit card companies don’t want to invest in them. They are expensive for banks and their business usually don’t run for long. But with multiple payment methods you will give options to customers and they will be able to purchase your products easily. A separate merchant account will have a virtual terminal with options such as android and apple device payment method. Customers will be able to pay via credit card with touch of a button.

Card installation may look like a lengthy process but it is not. Once it is installed, your customers have to entered detail and sign on screen. A recipe will generate when they purchase your travel packages and this recipe will be sent to customers as a record. One of the option that benefits business is clients email, you can send new promotions and special offers to expand your business. The apps we use are extremely safe and they are capable of carrying out any number of transactions. Either it is a virtual terminal or physical, your customer will be able to make payment even if the card is not present. Simply by entering card information and a recipe will generate.

Merchant Stronghold

We have made it possible for travel businesses to enjoy twenty-first century’s technology. There are many companies like ours, but we are the only one that provides customized plans so that merchants can offer better payment options to clients. Contact us and start accepting MasterCard, Visa, and American Express today!

Friday 6 October 2017

Get a merchant account for your Credit Repair Business

 Having a high risk business or high risk merchant account can be very demanding and challenging to begin with. It might be very hard for you to process payments properly due to the high fees and other challenges. However, just because you have a high risk business that doesn’t really mean you will have to deal with a major set of challenges right off the bat. You will have to start accepting payments fast if you have the right approach.

The idea with having a credit repair business is that many gateway providers will see this as a high risk. It isn’t really coming with the highest possible risk, but there are plenty of challenges to be had here and you should think about that the best way you can.

Should you get a high risk merchant account despite the potential issues that might appear? Yes, because you can either do that or you can opt for an offshore merchant account. Either one works, the idea is to just find the best options that suits your needs and which delivers the utmost value for your money. You have to keep in mind that the main focus here is on finding a good payment processor and lowering the amount you have to pay in the end. It can be tricky to do that, because all payment processing solution services out there will ask for a transaction amount, so you need to put things into perspective and see what works for you.

Granted, it can be a challenge to own a good credit repair business with online payments, but this is a very important portion of such a company to begin with. You might not need a credit card terminal, but you do require a high risk merchant account or even a regular merchant account. There are many providers that will be able to help you in this regard. You just need to stay fully committed and focused on results because that’s what matters the most in the end.

You have to keep in mind the fact that setting up a merchant account with a credit repair business is very tricky, so you should oversee all potential expenses to begin with. That’s what really makes the experience worth it, the fact that you can perform and receive online payments without a problem. This is very important for any credit repair business, which is why opting for the best merchant payment processing solution is crucial to say the least.

Should you consider getting a merchant account for your credit repair business? Yes, because this solution is very important and results will indeed pay off very well in the long run. It will not be easy to do so at first, but the experience will be extraordinary to begin with.Remember that your main focus should be on having a seamlessly, great working business. It will be a challenge at first, but a merchant account can indeed help take things to the next level. Just keep that in mind and you will be very impressed with the results.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Payment Gateway for Trial Continuity Businesses

Trial continuity businesses are companies that use a free trial or introductory offer to allow potential companies to try out the service or merchandise before deciding whether to sign up for the plan. Once the customer accepts the trial offer, they are instantly signed up to the continuity programs. In this particular business approach, customers will continue receiving the service or merchandise regularly, usually monthly, while making several payments during the subscription period.

Importance of Getting a Dedicated Trial Continuity Merchant Account or Payment Gateway

Due to the nature of trial continuity businesses, subscription merchants are generally considered high-risk merchants within the credit card processing industry. This is likely because of the higher frequency of credit chargebacks among the subscribers. That is why you trial based business can find it hard to open an appropriate merchant account using traditional credit card processors.

Luckily, there is a solution that trial continuity businesses can use that specifically caters for high-risk subscription merchants. For example, Merchant Stronghold can enable merchants in the trial based businesses to accept seamlessly accept credit cards and effectively grow their businesses. Partnering with us will lead offer your business a more efficient payment gateway, beneficial customer support and ultimately improve your sales.

How to Choose the Right Payment Gateway or Merchant Account


One of the main considerations to keep in mind is reliability. The last thing any subscription merchants would want is to have their credit card processor to fail just after launching new products. In addition, reliability enables your business to maintain a regular cash flow, which is essential when running any business, especially a trial offer or continuity based one.


Besides having a reliable payment gateway, subscription merchants must also ensure that the merchant service provider is abiding by the rules and regulations. This is very important, particularly with the current increasing concerns of both the FTC as well as credit card firms. Working with a trusted provider like Merchant Stronghold can help you avoid legal problems that could easily bankrupt your business.

Dedicated Service

High volume subscription merchants stand to benefit a lot from partnering with a suitable payment gateway that is customized to their needs. By partnering with us, you get a trial continuity merchant account that is specially designed to cater for your business that ensures that you are not losing large chunks of your profit margins on each transaction.


Trial continuity businesses have been having a difficult time getting merchant accounts simply because they are considered as high risk. Many companies are forced to look for credit card processes overseas to continue running their business. Luckily, Merchant Stronghold offers a dedicated and customizable payment gateway for subscription merchant’s right here in the United States. Contact us today at to see how we can help you secure your own subscription merchant account.